
Germans are changing mentalities

Bikes and cargo trailers with electric drive for bicycle freight traffic. Under the directive, on small series, investments in bicycles and electric trailers for heavy goods vehicles are eligible.

Purpose of financing

Expenses for the purchase of bicycles and heavy trailers with electric assistance are subsidized. The investments for the purchase concern: heavy bicycles with electric assistance and robust trailers with electric drive support or A combination of a cargo bicycle and a cargo trailer, at least one element of which (bicycle or trailer) must be equipped with electric driver assistance. Heavy-duty bicycles with electric propulsion and trailers with electric assistance must have a minimum transport volume of 1 m³ and a payload of at least 150 kg.. For teams equipped with a cargo bike or a non-motorized cargo trailer, the team's total transport volume must be at least 1 m³. The continuous nominal power of the electronic drive unit may not exceed 0.25 kW. It should be gradually reduced and interrupted at 25 km/h (or before). Otherwise, it is an ineligible motorcycle that requires approval (see § 1 StVG).

Funding process

The financing process is designed for the attention of private companies regardless of their legal form; freelancers; companies with municipal participation; non-profit and religious public higher education institutions (except adult education centers); research institutions; research institutions; hospitals and their sponsors as well as Municipalities (cities, municipalities, rural districts).

Type and amount of funding

The funding is based on Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 concerning the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid (de minimis regulation). The amount of financing is defined on the basis of eligible investment costs or the number of bikes, trailers and teams requested. In fact, the financing rates are 30 percent of the purchase costs, maximum. However 2500 euros per charge cycle, pendants or team.

The financing

If the measurement is to be carried out using a funding model, certain requirements must be met. In the case of an installment purchase, the financing contract must clearly refer to the units approved/financed. In addition, at the time of payment, the total amount paid must not be less than the amount of approved financing. If not, it will be shortened accordingly. If a rent-to-own model is selected, the transfer of ownership must be recorded in the rental purchase agreement within five years after the completion of the measurement (acquisition). This must also concern approved/financed units. Leasing financing is not allowed. In fact, a rented unit/a rented heavy bike cannot be handed over to the renter (applicant) only for the purpose of use, it does not become the property of the tenant. A purchase option in the rental agreement is not sufficient. Five heavy bikes have to be purchased for 10,000 euros each. Funding amount 1 = (5 * 10,000 euros), * 0.3 = 15,000 euros (financing amount depending on the funding rate). Funding amount 2 = 5 * 2500 euros = 12500 euros (maximum funding amount). The funding amount after the maximum amount is less than after the funding rate. The correct financing amount is therefore 12,500 euros.

De minimis ceiling

The “de minimis” ceiling must be respected (200,000 euros or 100,000 euros for companies in the road transport sector). This amount should not be exceeded with all “de minimis” grants received during the current two tax years (recognizable by the “de minimis” notice). The funding amount may need to be reduced accordingly.

Comparison with French aid

In France, the ecological bonus is financial assistance to buy or rent a new energy-efficient vehicle: car, van, scooter, motorcycle, motor quadricycle. Assistance may also be paid for the purchase of an electrically assisted bicycle, in addition to assistance paid by a local authority. Indeed, on our side the aids are not that important. France is lagging behind, which is preventing new uses from developing. However, in order for cargo bikes to replace cars, more extensive support should be considered.

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