VUF Bikes
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Déchets, espaces verts, repas à domicile… Les collectivités girondines sont-elles prêtes à s’équiper de triporteurs ?
Moins chers, plus pratiques et plus écologiques que des véhicules utilitaires, les triporteurs peinent encore à trouver leur chemin au sein des collectivités girondines. Mais le potentiel est là
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Déchets, espaces verts, repas à domicile… Les collectivités girondines sont-elles prêtes à s’équiper de triporteurs ?
Moins chers, plus pratiques et plus écologiques que des véhicules utilitaires, les triporteurs peinent encore à trouver leur chemin au sein des collectivités girondines. Mais le potentiel est là

The Girondine company VUF Bikes will equip the city of Paris with cargo bikes for the Olympic Games
ces vélos de l'entreprise VUF Bikes vont servir à l'organisation des Jeux olympiques. Certains vélos-cargos vont servir à "du déplacement de matériel", d'autres "vont transporter des plateaux repas pour les organisateurs, notamment des bénévoles".

Cyclo-logistics: The manufacturer VUF Bikes and Sofrigam Group launch an electric tricycle under controlled temperature
100% carbon-free and made in France, the new cargo bike, developed by VUF Bikes and Sofrigam Group, is dedicated to professionals in the pharmaceutical and catering sectors.

A public partnership should boost cargo biking in Bordeaux Métropole
La Poste, Bordeaux Métropole and the city of Bordeaux have reaffirmed their desire to decarbonize the last-mile logistics link through cargo bikes. But apart from the purchase by La Poste of cycles from the Bordeaux manufacturer VUF Bikes, concrete announcements are still reserved for the metropolitan logistics roadmap next month.

VUF Bikes is preparing to manufacture 5,000 cargo bikes per year
The manufacturer of professional cargo bikes, VUF Bikes is raising three million euros with the ambition to decarbonize last-mile logistics in Europe. These funds will allow the Bordeaux company to increase the production capacity of the workshop and strengthen its teams with ten new employees in 2023.

CES 2023: Bordeaux's VUF Bikes presents a cargo bike equipped with a Valeo engine
VUF Bikes will be demonstrated with its new bike equipped with a Valeo engine at CES in Las Vegas from January 5 to 8, 2023. The Girondine company is the first to integrate this French engine, which is described as “superpowerful”.

Vuf Bikes raises €3 million and wants to deploy its cargo bikes in Europe
The startup 4 R Concept (Vuf Bikes) announces that it has completed a second funding round of three million euros for its cargo bikes. While the primary objective is to finance the company's working capital needs, its founder, Thomas Chenut, intends to deploy in Europe as early as this year.

VUF Bikes is growing and heading for a first tour
The former Bordeaux waste collector who became a manufacturer of electric cargo bikes is accelerating its production with a budget of €3 million provided by iXO Private Equity, Crédit Agricole Aquitaine Expansion and business angel networks, valuing it €10.5 million.

Mérignac: the ambitions of VUF Bikes, a brand of electric cargo bikes for professionals
Returning from CES in Las Vegas, the founder of the company is recruiting and hoping to produce a thousand e-trikes in 2023 from the assembly workshop located in the airport's cargo area. At the age of 35, the founder of the company VUF Bikes, which specializes in the design, assembly and sale of electric cargo bikes for professionals, measures how far we have come.

La Nouvelle Éco: the exponential success of Bordeaux cargo bikes from VUF bikes.
Returning from a show dedicated to technological innovation in electronics in Las Vegas, the founder of VUF bikes, based in Mérignac, Thomas Chenut, came to talk to us about his company, this Thursday, January 19, at France Bleu Gironde. It went from 2 to 25 employees between 2020 and 2022.

14 months after presenting its electric assistance technology for bicycles, Valeo has 14 first customers
Valeo has won the trust of 14 first customers, bicycle manufacturers, for its electric assistance technology, the most efficient to date, combining efficiency, intelligence, comfort, robustness and ease of use.