Financial assistance for the purchase of your VUF
Vehicle models eligible for assistance: New cargo bikes with or without electric assistance Amount of aid: €600 for a new cargo bike with or without electric assistance Conditions:
- Give up a diesel or gasoline car with a Crit'Air4 and earlier sticker.
- Any natural person residing in Paris. Associations are not eligible.
- The beneficiary cannot be a legal person.
Purchase assistance for Ile-de-France residents: Île-de-France Mobilities offers a additional help to that of the City of Paris. To benefit from it, you must have previously requested financial assistance from the City. Find all the information concerning Paris grants hither
Amount of aid: €600 for a new cargo bike with electric assistance, €500 for a cargo bike without electric assistance. Vehicle models eligible for assistance:
- New cargo bike with electric assistance : 50% of the price including VAT, ceiling (aid from Île-de-France Mobilities + possible local aid) to 600 euros.
- Cargo bike without electric assistance + safety accessories : 50% maximum of the price including VAT of the bike and accessories within the limit of a grant of 500 euros.
- Living in Île-de-France,
- Be an adult or an emancipated minor,
- Having bought your bike as of December 1, 2019,
- Have purchased a new electric bike that complies with current regulations,
- 1 single aid per person maximum,
- Bicycle resale prohibited for a period of 3 years,
Find all the information concerning grants from Ile-De-France hither
Amount of the aid: €100 for the purchase, dating back less than one year from the date of receipt of the request,
Vehicle models eligible for assistance: Electric bike, folding bike or cargo bike
Condition: For people whose family quotient is less than €1,200 Find all the information concerning Bordeaux grants hither
Amount of the aid: 25% of the purchase amount with a maximum contribution of: €350 for a cargo bike Vehicle models eligible for assistance: BI or tricycle, tricycle in the case of VUF Condition:
•Buy a new approved bike (certificate to be produced). For a folding bike, the award is subject to the presentation of a valid public transport pass.
•Be residing in Caen (main residence)
•Be of legal age
•Meet the established income conditions. Your reference tax income (line 25 of the last tax notice), divided by the number of household tax shares indicated on the same notice, must be less than or equal to €30,000. Above this limit, the request is rejected
•Limit yourself to one request per houseFind all the information concerning Caen grants hither
Amount of the aid: 25% of the purchase price of an electrically assisted bicycle, capped at 400 euros.Eligible bikes: All new bikes, cycles and tricycles with electric assistance (mountain biking included) meeting current European standards. Condition:
•Proof of the applicant's identity card
•Proof of address
•Tax statement of the fiscal household
•Bank Identity Statement
•Bank proof of payment for the bike from the applicant's account
•Invoice paid clearly showing the bike model and the name and address of the applicant
•Bicycle technical instructions or certification certificate to attest to the conformity of the bike with the standards in force (EN 15194)
•The applicant's signed information and commitment document to download
•Aid can be combined with other assistance schemes for individuals
Find all the information concerning subsidies from Marseille hither
Amount of the aid: 25% of the total cost of the bike including VAT, up to a limit of €400 per vehicle and within the limit of 10 assisted vehicles.Condition:
-You are a merchant, craftsman, repairer, courier or delivery person
•The completed application form
•The two original copies of the signed, undated agreement marked “read and approved”
•A copy of the purchase invoice (s) to identify the bike (s) purchased with their price including VAT
•An identity document of the company manager or legal representative
•The extract from the trade and companies register (Kbis form) less than 3 months old
•A bank statement in the name of the company manager or company with the current address indicated without handwritten additions
-You are a home care professional
•In the case of an individual professional exercise: the professional tax notice of less than one year justifying professional activity, or in the case of recent establishment, the registration number on the Order's roll or a care sheet mentioning the “identification pad” of the health professional
•In the case of a replacement: the replacement authorization issued by the D.D.A.S.S.
•For the case of exercising in a company, within an association, in a hospital or medico-social structure: the professional tax notice of less than one year justifying professional activity or the extract from the trade and companies register (Kbis form) of less than 3 months, or the declaration of existence of the association issued by the Prefecture mentioning its activity or a URSSAF document justifying the professional activity above designated
Find all the information concerning Nantes grants hither
Amount of the aid: 25% of the purchase price including VAT for new electric two-wheelers, up to a limit of €200 per equipment.Condition:
- The original application form duly completed,
- The original signed agreement with the handwritten mention “read and approved”,
- The sworn certificate (original handwritten), not to resell the assisted electric vehicle under penalty of returning the subsidy to the Metropolis, to provide proof to the metropolitan service, which will request it, that it is in fact in possession of the assisted electric vehicle,
- A copy of the invoice for the purchase of the electric two-wheeler,
- A copy of the certification certificate for an electrically assisted bicycle or of the vehicle registration document for a registered two-wheeler with an electric motor,
- The latest income tax or housing tax notice, complete (two parts — no schedule, no property), with the same name, first name and address as those on the bicycle bill or the vehicle registration document for two wheels with an electric motor,
- The bank identity statement. All supporting documents must have one and the same address.
Find all the information concerning Nice grants hither
Orléans Métropole
Amount of the aid: In the form of a “VAE Check” (Electric Assisted Bicycle), Conditions: accessible to people whose CAF family quotient is less than 2,000 €/month. HOW DO I GET MY “VAE CHECK”?
•Download your file: payment and the VA certificateE
•Compose your file: identity document + proof of residence + proof of residence + CAF document or last tax notice + signed settlement
•Submit your complete application to a Tao sales agency at 4 rue de la Hallebarde in Orléans
•Get your “VAE check” immediately if the file is complete and eligible
•Buy your electric bike within 1 month to take advantage of the immediate discount from partner sellers (See Orléans Métropôle website) Find all the information concerning Orléans Métropôle subsidies hither
Basque Country
Conditions: Acquisition assistance, limited to a fiscal household, is based on the family quotient:
•Family Quotient < €400:50% of the purchase price/max €500
•400 < QF < 800€: 40% of the purchase price/max 400€
•800 < QF< 1200€: 30% of the purchase price/max 300€
•QF > €1,200:12.5% of the purchase price/max€150 will be able to benefit from the subsidy natural persons justifying their main residence in one of the municipalities within the scope of the Pays Basque-Adour Mobility Syndicate (158 municipalities in the Basque Country + Tarnos). Find all the information concerning subsidies from the Basque Country hither
Occitane Region
Amount of the aid: 100 euros + “Security Bonus” of 50 eurosConditions: To benefit from the aid, the applicant:
•Must be a natural person of legal age. Legal entities are not eligible for the scheme
•Must prove your main residence in the Occitanie region
•Must prove an income tax rate equal to 0% (not taxable) or a family quotient included in the first tax bracket corresponding to the rate of 14% (for example for a bike acquired in 2020, family quotient less than €27,519)
•Must not have already received aid under this deviceFind all the information concerning grants from the Occitanie Region hither
Amount of the aid: up to €500. Conditions:
•The completed application form
•A copy of the VAE purchase invoice in the name of the applicant
•A copy of the VAE certification certificate issued by the seller
•A copy of the last income tax (or non-taxation) notice on behalf of the applicant, stating the reference tax income and the number of family quotient shares in the tax household
•A copy of a proof of address less than three months old in the name of the applicant
•The sworn certificate, available for download opposite
•An original copy of the agreement, available for download opposite
•A RIB in the name of the applicant
•The duly completed mobility questionnaire Find all the information concerning Ruel-Malmaison grants hither
Amount of the aid: €200 per household, Condition: The annual net tax income of the household is less than €28,800/year. In return, owners of an eBike will have to engrave their bike with the Bicycode marking and keep it for 3 years. You must attach the following supporting documents to your file:
•The original of the signed undertaking with the handwritten mention “read and approved”
•The copy of the invoice for the purchase of the electric bike subject to the grant application in its own name, first name and address, and which must be after the implementation of this measure (14/02/2019)
•The copy of the certification certificate of the electric bike in question
•A copy of the last tax sheet justifying an annual net tax income of less than €28,800/year
•A proof of address: copy of an EDF or telecom bill (less than 3 months) with the same name, first name and address as those appearing on the invoice for the Electric Bike concerned
•A bank identity statementFind all the information concerning grants from Toulouse hither