
Refrigerated e-trike : operation and advantages

The refrigerated tricycle is a major innovation for urban delivery, offering a method efficient and ecological to transport fresh or temperature-sensitive products. This electric scooter, designed to keep goods cool, navigates congested streets with ease, providing an ideal last-mile delivery solution. By combining agility and refrigeration capacity, they ensure the quality And the security products delivered while reducing the carbon footprint.

What is a refrigerated tricycle?

A refrigerated tricycle, also called refrigerated cargo bike, is a mode of transport equipped with a refrigeration unit, specially designed for the transport of foodstuffs or pharmaceutical products requiring strict temperature control.

These tricloaders are an innovative response to the challenges posed by urban delivery and to the strict standards associated with temperature-controlled transport: they allow the efficient transport of fresh produce, frozen or temperature-sensitive in urban areas where traditional vehicles have difficulty accessing.

The principle of the refrigerated tricycle is based on its integrated refrigeration system that maintains the products at an optimal temperature throughout the journey, from pick-up to delivery.

The cold source may vary depending on the model: it can be made of active cold (cold production operating thanks to an external energy source) or by passive cold (no production of cold but ensures the maintenance of temperature for a limited time)

In addition, the refrigerated scooter is distinguished by its electric propulsion, which makes it not only environmentally friendly thanks to the reduction of CO2 emissions, but also more economical to use, compared to traditional motorized vehicles. Its design ensures superior stability, making it easy to navigate the narrow and congested streets of urban centers.

Thanks to their flexibility, energy efficiency and low environmental impact, refrigerated tricycle trucks represent a logistics solution sustainable and innovative, perfectly meeting the requirements of last-mile delivery.

How is cold generated?

As explained above, the operation of the e-trike is based on two refrigeration principles: the active cold Or the passive cold, each with its own technical specificities and applications.

Active refrigeration:

Most often, this system uses electrical components to generate cold on an ongoing basis. This type of system is equipped with electric compressors (similar to those found in domestic refrigerators, but adapted to be powered by the electric battery of the bike).

When the system is activated, the electric compressor squeezes a “refrigerant"*, causing it to circulate through the system and absorb heat inside the refrigerated compartment, which reduces the temperature. This method allows precise temperature control, essential for the transport of products requiring very strict storage conditions.

Note that some systems do not use compressor technology, as is the case with technology completely decarbonized Coldway Inside (see Sofrigam Group) which is based “on the principle of solid-gas sorption”: namely a chemical reaction between a natural refrigerant, Ammonia, and a mixture of salt and graphite within a completely hermetic circuit.

In particular, this technology makes it possible to offer an alternative to the new regulations that provide for a ban on HFC refrigerants by 2030. Learn more

*Refrigerant fluid (or refrigerant): is a substance used in refrigeration systems to absorb and remove heat. There are several types of refrigerant, they are selected according to several criteria: energy efficiency, environmental impact, safety..

Passive cold:

Conversely, passive refrigeration does not does not rely on a mechanism to generate cold.

Instead, it uses pre-cooled refrigerant elements (e.g. eutectic plates or refrigerant gels) placed directly in the dedicated compartment of the e-trike.

These elements absorb heat from the compartment in order to ensure the low temperature. without active energy consumption.

Although less flexible than active refrigeration in terms of temperature control, passive refrigeration is very reliable and is often preferred for its simplicity and durability.

The refrigeration technologies used in refrigerated tricycle are crucial for their efficiency.

The technical design of these refrigeration systems also takes into account compartment insulation, using advanced materials to minimize cold loss and ensure maximum system efficiency.

What are the advantages of a refrigerated tricycle?

This type of cargo bike represents an innovative and sustainable transport solution, particularly suited to logistical challenges in urban areas.

Their adoption offers several significant advantages, both in terms of: economic as well as environmental, without compromising the efficiency of delivery operations.

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Savings on transport costs

First major advantage: the refrigerated cargo bike makes it possible to make significant savings on transport costs.

Less expensive to buy and maintain than a traditional commercial vehicle, it requires less energy to operate.

In addition, its use avoids parking fees, which are often high in urban areas, and reduces the costs associated with delivery delays caused by traffic jams. In concrete terms, the hustle and bustle of cycling and its ease of navigating through dense urban traffic speeds up delivery times and reduces the indirect costs associated with late deliveries.

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A reduction in the carbon footprint

Second major asset: the significant reduction in the carbon footprint of logistics operations.

Propelled mainly by electric motors, three-wheelers emit few or no air pollutants, unlike traditional vehicles.

This makes the bike particularly suitable for sustainable development goals businesses, contributing to the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change.

By promoting “greener” logistics, businesses can not only improve their brand image but also comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations.

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Flexibility and accessibility in urban areas

Finally, the tricycle offers a flexibility and accessibility unequalled in urban areas.

Compact & agile, they can squeeze through traffic and easily access pedestrian areas or park in tight spaces, making it easy to deliver to hard-to-reach neighborhoods.

In short, the integration of refrigerated e-trike into the modern supply chain represents a winning strategy for companies wishing to optimize their logistics operations while contributing to the protection of the environment.

Their adoption is part of an approach of innovation And of social responsibility, offering a concrete response to the challenges of sustainable mobility in urban areas.

Certification and standards

To guarantee the reliability and efficiency of these vehicles, various certifications and standards exist, aimed at standardizing the quality, safety and environmental performance of refrigerated transport.

ATP certification: Fundamental for refrigerated tricycle trucks, this certification validates the vehicle's ability to maintain adequate temperature conditions for the transport of perishable products. THE ATP (Agreement on the Transport of Perishable Goods) is an international standard that certifies that the equipment used for refrigerated transport meets strict criteria for the preservation of products, thus maintaining their freshness and quality.

PIEK certification: Specifically designed for delivery operations in urban areas, this certification focuses on the noise level of delivery vehicles. e-trikes that meet PIEK standards emit noise below a predefined threshold, making nighttime deliveries less disruptive for urban residents and contributing to a better quality of life in densely populated areas.

Safety certifications: Safety is another crucial aspect, with standards established to protect both the bike driver and other road users. These certifications examine vehicle stability, braking systems, lighting, and other safety features to minimize the risk of accidents.

Other certifications: Depending on the specific use of the refrigerated e-trike and other requirements, other certifications may apply. For example, the transport of pharmaceutical products could require additional certifications attesting to the ability to transport drugs under optimal conditions, without compromising their effectiveness.

Compliance with relevant certifications and standards is crucial, not only to ensure the legality of operations but also to strengthen customer confidence in the quality and reliability of delivery services.

For what uses?

Refrigerated triporters find their use in a multitude of sectors, offering an ecological and economical transport solution adapted to the specific needs of each field.

In the food sector, they enable meal delivery companies, caterers, and local markets to effectively distribute their fresh produce, maintaining food quality and safety throughout the journey.

These vehicles are particularly popular for deliveries in dense urban areas, where their agility facilitates access to difficult locations and helps to reduce delivery times.


Use of the cargo bike VUF XXL Coldway Inside (VUF Bikes x Sofrigam Group) by La Poste in the city of Paris, to deliver meals to elderly and isolated people.

To carry out this operation, a fleet of 20 cargo bikes was mobilized.

In the field of health, refrigerated e-trike play a crucial role in the transport of medicines, vaccines and biological samples that require strict temperature control. Their use guarantees the integrity of pharmaceutical products, which is essential for the well-being of patients and the success of medical treatments.

For the events and the hotel industry, bicycles offer an innovative way of providing mobile catering services, allowing organizers to offer fresh, quality catering options on site.

Our refrigerated tricycle models

1. VUF Active Cold: Active Cold Transport

⦁ Use unsophisticated and Intuitive : for a simple organization of activities

⦁ Tricycle Passepartout, in urban and ultra-urban centers
Zero air pollution : uses a carbon-free energy vector. No CO2 emissions
Energy sobriety : electric cargo bike and refrigerated box without battery or compressor, does not consume the battery of the cargo bike
⦁ Zero noise pollution : silent refrigerated solution < 50 dB (A) (PIEK certified). Night deliveries from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
⦁ Zero recharging of refrigerant
⦁ 100% of regulatory compatibility for city centers (ZFE accessibility, F-Gas compatible)

Triporteur Froid actif

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2. VUF passive cold: passive cold transport

Use unsophisticated and Intuitive : for a simple organization of activities

⦁ Tricycle Passepartout, in urban and ultra-urban centers
Zero air pollution : No CO2 emissions. Source of cold provided by eutectic plates

⦁ 100% of regulatory compatibility for city centers (ZFE accessibility, F-Gas compatible)

⦁ Insulation: polypropylene and food-grade inner liner

Triporteur froid passif

Learn more

Refrigerated triporters represent a significant advance in the field of transporting temperature-sensitive goods.

Thanks to their flexibility, energy efficiency, and ability to maintain food and pharmaceutical safety standards, they offer an ideal solution for modern logistics challenges.

Not only do these vehicles contribute to greener and sustainable logistics, but they also improve operational efficiency.